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Guide to Buying Invisible Hearing Aids

Guide to Buying Invisible Hearing AidsGuide to Buying Invisible Hearing Aids

If you suspect that you have hearing loss, it is important to visit a hearing specialist to receive a proper diagnosis. They will be able to tell you the type and degree of hearing loss you’re experiencing and recommend the best course of action. Often, hearing aids are one of the most effective ways to help.

However, there are some misconceptions and societal stigmas around hearing loss that makes many who suffer from it hesitant to wear hearing aids. For instance, hearing loss is stigmatized as a sign of “getting old too fast” and is treated as an age-related sickness.

This is one of the main reasons people dislike wearing hearing aids, especially the visible and bulky types. However, thanks to advancements in technology, hearing aids have become smaller and less noticeable. Small invisible hearing aids provide relief since the user gets the best of both worlds with easier hearing and unobtrusive hearing aids.

Who Invisible Hearing Aids are Suitable For

Unfortunately, invisible hearing aids are not suitable for everyone. The size and shape of your ear canal is the main deciding factor. If your ear canal is too small or too narrow, these devices won’t work for you.

An amplifier that fits in smaller ears, such as the IIC model, is not suitable for everyone with hearing loss due to the restricted output capability, so the severity of your hearing loss also plays a role.

Understanding the Pros & Cons of Invisible Hearing Aids

Let’s look at some popular invisible hearing aids and learn their pros and cons.

Invisible in the Canal (IIC)

These devices are the smallest models on the market and are almost undetectable.


  • Compact in size
  • Essentially undetectable
  • Easy to use for phone calls


  • Their compact size poses handling issues
  • Their small batteries are problematic for users with dexterity issues
  • Short battery life
  • Can easily be damaged by moisture

Completely in the Canal

CIC hearing aids are tailored to fit inside the ear canal and are slightly bigger than the IIC.


  • Practical for mild to severe hearing loss
  • Less likely to get affected by noise
  • Easy to use for phone calls
  • Low feedback


  • Susceptible to moisture and ear wax build-up
  • Not recommended for kids
  • Small batteries do not last long

Receiver in the Canal

The receiver of a RIC hearing aid is inserted into the ear canal. The behind-the-ear aspect is thin and unnoticeable.


  • Prevents the occlusion effect
  • Almost unnoticeable due to the tube’s invisibility
  • Meets the needs of people with moderate to severe hearing loss


  • Affected by wind noise
  • Vulnerable to moisture-related damage

Top 3 Brands of Invisible Hearing Aids on The Market


Phonak features two invisible hearing aid models: the Vitro B Titanium and the Phonak Lyric.

Vitro B

The Vitro B hearing aids are the first in the industry to use biometric calibration, which takes your unique ear anatomy and hearing needs into consideration. The Vitro B has enhanced hearing performance since it can more accurately determine where the sound is originating from.

Lyric Invisible Hearing Aid

Lyric is comfortable enough to wear for long periods and multiple days in a row. Only specific ear canal sizes and shapes, however, can fit the device. Additionally, if your eardrums are ruptured, or your ear canals are very waxy, this hearing aid may not be for you.


In 2021, Starkey unveiled the Soundlens Synergy. They then added a second invisible hearing aid to their roster, with this one being smaller than the original Soundlens.


IIC Insio Primax

This is one of the most popular hearing aids. It offers unique coverage, including for those whose hearing loss extends into the severe range.

Silk Insio Primax

According to Signia, Silk is the first fully in-canal hearing aid that is both ready for use and virtually undetectable. It is made to accommodate 80 percent of ear canals.

Consult Us for the Best Invisible Hearing Aids in Canada

Bravo Hearing Centre offers a comprehensive selection of hearing aids, related products, and services, including expert advice from our licensed hearing specialists. Visit our website or call us at 416-207-9711 for more details or to book an appointment.

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