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Where To Get The Best Hearing Loss Test

With a simple search on the web, you can find a hearing loss test that you can take online, with your computer’s speakers, to help determine if you have suffered any deterioration to your hearing. You don’t even need speakers because many online tests for hearing loss are written, with questions about the symptoms you might have been experiencing.

Whether you take a self-test online, or you choose to visit a professional hearing clinic, you should pay close attention to your hearing for any signs of trouble:

  • Listening to normal conversations – listen with your eyes turned away from the person talking. Do you still hear what they are saying clearly?
  • In the car – have you noticed that you keep the volume on the radio higher than before?
  • In a noisy environment – have you noticed increased difficulty hearing others in normal conversation?
  • In meetings, religious services or anywhere else – do you notice that, without thinking, you are sitting closer to speakers?

In a way, by answering the questions above, you have taken a brief hearing loss test. If you answered yes to any of the questions, you could have the beginnings of a serious hearing problem for which professional assessment and attention will be needed.

Don’t Take The Chance, Get A Professional Hearing Loss Test

Online tests can be good, but they are not controlled by a professional, results can vary and those results need to be interpreted properly for you to get whatever attention you may need.

Even if you take a self-test, you should consult a hearing healthcare professional, like those at Bravo Hearing Centre, to investigate whether these difficulties are due to a temporary or a permanent hearing impairment.

The hearing experts at Bravo Hearing Centre can help you learn a lot more about your hearing loss test. They also offer specialized advice, counseling and aural rehabilitation to restore crystal clear sound from a variety of different types of hearing loss.

Experience the difference our award winning (Etobicoke’s Best Hearing Services Award) services can make.

  • Audiometric hearing testing to identify your needs
  • Expert evaluations of your test results
  • Assessments for hearing aid amplification
  • A full range of top quality hearing aids and other assistive listening devices like personal FM systems, alerting devices, portable personal amplifiers, voice carry over telephones and TTY/TDD devices improve your comfort and convenience

Learn more about the results of your hearing loss test from the experts. Contact Bravo Hearing Centre today or call us at 416-207-9711.

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