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Examining Why People May Be Reluctant to Wear Hearing Aids

Overcoming Biases and Obstacles to the Benefits of Wearing Hearing Aids

Hard of Hearing Man With His GirlfriendIn more cases than one may be willing to admit, the decision on whether or not to take a specific course of action may be swayed by perceptions; this can be driven by their own opinions, or influenced by the words and actions of those with whom they might interact. Then, once that person has an opportunity to experience something for the first time, or at least invests the time to examine the situation further, they come to realize that their initial decision may not have been the better option – this is often evident when they are heard to say that they should have done such-and-such a long time ago.

This type of scenario is commonly seen in situations where people might be experiencing hearing loss and/or are hesitant about wearing hearing aids when they have not done so previously. This is not meant as an indictment of these individuals nor their character; it is more likely a reflection of human nature. When people are not fully informed about hearing-related matters, or perhaps misinformed, it is understandable that they could be reluctant to acknowledge any signs or symptoms and/or make changes to their lifestyle.

To put this in perspective, there are several factors that can influence one’s reluctance to seek professional advice/treatment for any hearing impairment; these dynamics include:

  • Pride – an unwillingness to admit they could be hearing-impaired
  • Vanity – believing that they are too young to have any hearing loss
  • Non-Awareness – linking any hearing issues to environmental factors
  • Misconception – the presumption that hearing aids do not/will not help
  • External Influences – negative opinions voiced by dissatisfied individuals
  • Cost – a focus on the purchase price rather than a long-term investment

Thus, recognizing and overcoming any such obstacles/biases would be first and foremost to seeking treatment willingly and, ultimately, improving or restoring one’s quality of life.

To help those who might be hesitant to move forward in this regard, it may be beneficial to review how hearing aids can have a positive impact on the individuals who wear them and on the people with whom they interact on a regular or casual basis; to that end, the range of benefits provided by hearing aids to those with hearing impairment consist of:

  • A capacity to hear sounds that had been going unnoticed
  • Better, more free-flowing conversations with family/friends
  • Ability to use a telephone or to hear more clearly during calls
  • Greater confidence in social settings and/or noisy environments
  • More enjoyment from watching television (normal volume levels)
  • Improved recognition of various cues (telephone rings, doorbells)
  • Heightened comprehension when in church, at work, in school, etc.
  • Increased personal safety – faster response to warnings (horns, sirens)

This extensive list of benefits should provide the support and the confidence to set aside any reluctance and to pursue a professional assessment of one’s degree of hearing loss as well as counseling on the appropriate course of treatment – including any appropriate hearing aid options.

The process can begin by Scheduling a Comprehensive Audiological Assessment and Consultation with a hearing loss specialist at Bravo Hearing Centre.

Hearing Specialists Can Offer Advice and Guidance When Choosing Hearing Aids

One additional factor that may inhibit people from wearing hearing aids is the perception that they are somewhat large and therefore quite visible to other people; while this may have been the norm in times past, technological advancements have minimized, if not all but eliminated, any such concerns for the vast majority of patients.

Today’s hearing aids offer considerable flexibility with respect to where they can be worn (behind the ear, in the ear, in the canal) as well as the latest developments relative to:

Business Man With Hearing Aids

  • Durability
  • Performance
  • Directionality
  • Patient Comfort
  • Size/Discreteness
  • Control/Adjustment
  • Wireless Technology

Selecting a specific and appropriate type of hearing aid will be based on a combination of several factors and considerations, such as:

Upon the completion and interpretation of a hearing test, the hearing aid specialists from Bravo Hearing Centre can provide insight, advice, and/or recommendations on the model of hearing aid that would be best suited for an individual patient.

For more information on the scope of hearing-related services provided by the specialists at Bravo Hearing Centre, please see our Hearing Services page.

If you or a family member suspect that you might have some degree of hearing loss and that hearing aids can improve your/their quality of life, call the hearing aid specialists at Bravo Hearing Centre at 647-694-4626 to schedule your Comprehensive Audiological Assessment and Consultation with a hearing specialist to learn more about the types of hearing aids and their benefits.

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