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How Do I Get Dad to Wear Hearing Aids?

Suggestions for a Sensitive Conversation

The effects of untreated hearing loss can be detrimental to your parents’ health and safety. Imagine Dad not hearing the emergency sirens while he is out on the road. If Mom cannot listen to her doctor well, then directions can be mixed up resulting in medication not being taken correctly.

Convincing Elderly To Use Hearing Aid

If your loved ones are suffering from the effects of untreated hearing loss, it is possible to help. Dad does not have to give up driving, yet. Mom can enjoy hearing the birds again – or the sounds of her grandchildren laughing when she becomes a new hearing aid user.

Help your dad or mom get their life back and keep their independence. Our Hearing Specialists at Bravo Hearing Centre can assess, evaluate, treat & manage the majority of hearing loss issues your parents may face.

How Do I Get Dad to Wear Hearing Aids?

6 Suggestions for Talking About Hearing Loss

When you are ready to talk with your folks about their hearing loss denial, use these suggestions to keep the conversation successful.

How Do I Get Dad to Wear Hearing Aids?

  • Do your homework before talking. Take a little bit of time to become familiar with the different types of hearing loss and hearing aids. When you speak to your parents and show them the information you find, they will appreciate the extra steps you have taken.
  • Pick the right time to talk. Holiday dinners are not the best time to have a conversation to get someone to wear a hearing aid. Find a time when you are alone with no distractions. Turn off the television. Power down your phones. Do what you need to have this meaningful conversation.
  • Come from a place of empathy, love, and support. Take a moment to walk in their shoes. Let them know you want the best for them. Keep their quality of life at the forefront of your mind, especially if the conversation starts to sour.
  • Make the effects of hearing loss more significant than the hearing loss itself. If you focus on Dad’s hearing loss, he may get defensive because he feels inadequate. Instead, mention how you notice the things he is no longer doing that he once used to enjoy.
  • Offer to walk this path with them. Let Mom know you are in her corner. Offer to make a hearing test appointment and go with her. This will be a whole new experience for her. She will appreciate having a second set of ears with her.
  • Become their hearing aid advocate. There will be a lot of decisions to make. Once your dad has his new hearing aid, check in with him to make sure it is working correctly. Adjusting to new sounds can be frustrating, and he may want to give up. Make sure he gets the help he needs, and most importantly, be patient.

Choose a Trusted Hearing Aid Specialist

How Do I Get Dad to Wear Hearing Aids?

Help your parents keep their independence. Seek the professional services of our caring team at Bravo Hearing Centre. Your parents deserve a good quality of life.

Contact Bravo Hearing Centre today to get the help your parents need. Call us at 647-694-4626 to arrange a consultation at your earliest convenience. You can also book a consultation online.

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