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Different Types Of Hearing Aids

Hearing aid types are differentiated by a variety of characteristics, including how they are worn, such as behind-the-ear; the sound reproduction technology they use, including digital and analog; or if they are made for a particular application, including bone conduction hearing aids, which transmit sounds to the inner ear through the bones around the ear.

The type of hearing aid you choose depends on the nature of your hearing loss and your personal preferences for sound reproduction, how the hearing aid looks and how comfortable it feels.

Types Of Hearing Aids

prd_bteBehind-the-Ear (BTE)

Keeping the bulk of the hearing aid out of sight behind the wearer’s ear, while connecting into the ear through an ear mould, allows BTE hearing aids to be larger than most other types, which makes its controls easier to use. BTEs are the most reliable and most powerful hearing instrument.

prd_iteIn-the-Ear (ITE)

Custom made to fit entirely inside the ear, ITE hearing aids are smaller and lighter than BTEs, while still allowing for larger batteries and volume controls than most other hearing aid types.


prd_itcIn-the-Canal (ITC)

Because it is designed to fit entirely in the ear canal, ITC aids are smaller and much less noticeable, both to the wearer and the observer. But, despite their size, some ITC aids are available with a volume control on the faceplate.


prd_cicCompletely-in-the-Canal (CIC)

The trend in hearing aid technology has always been toward being smaller, less visible and less obtrusive. The location of CIC aids, entirely inside the ear canal, makes them virtually invisible. Other advantages include needing less power and users have no obstruction while using a telephone.

prd-iic2Invisible-in-the-canal (IIC)

These hearing aids are the smallest of in-the-ear hearing aids, and are indeed – invisible. They sit deeply within the canal, and offer a much more crisp and natural sound, simply due to the fact that IIC Hearing Aids rest so closely to the eardrum.

prd_microbteBehind-the-Ear Receiver-in-canal (RIC)

These are recommended for patients with high frequency hearing loss. They are also called “open fit” hearing aids as the receiver in canal does not occlude or block the canal.


Which Type of Hearing Aid Should You Choose?

With a wide variety of hearing aids available, each with their own advantages and applications, you should consult a hearing healthcare professional to help you choose the right one.

The hearing instrument professionals at Bravo Hearing Centre can be excellent resources to assist you in learning more about the various types of hearing aids and which one would be best for you.

Find out more about the different types of hearing aids by calling Bravo Hearing Centre today at 416-207-9711 or feel free to contact us to arrange a consultation.

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