Today's Hearing Aids are...Small and Aesthetically Appealing

Latest Innovations

Phonak Audéo B-R Hearing Aid

get-a-quotePhonak Audéo B-R Rechargeable

Phonak hearing aids provide effective and dependable performance along with the flexibility to select from a variety of styles based on the personal needs/preferences of the wearer and they are recommended by many hearing professionals.

Performance LevelStandardAdvancedPremium
Speech Focus
Noise Control************
Wireless ConnectivityYesYesYes
Remote ControlYesYesYes


get-a-quoteOticon OPN

Oticon traces its origins to Denmark more than 100 years ago, to 1904, when Hans Demant founded the company on the basis of his desire to provide a better quality of life for people with hearing loss; his prime motivation was personal, as his wife was among the individuals he wanted to help.

Performance LevelStandardAdvancedPremium
Speech Focus************
Noise Control************
Processing channels162024
Wireless ConnectivityYesYesYes
Made for iPhoneYesYesYes
Remote AppYesYesYes
Rechargable optionYesYesYes

get-a-quoteStarkey Halo iQ

Halo iQ, Starkey’s latest smartphone compatible hearing aids, have advanced noise reduction technology and precise directional microphones to help make speech sound more natural and easier to hear in today’s complex listening environments.

Halo i1600Halo i2000Halo i2400
Performance LevelStandardAdvancedPremium
Speech Focus************
Noise Control************
Wireless ConnectivityYesYesYes
Remote ControlYesYesYes


get-a-quoteWidex BEYOND

With the new BEYOND™ hearing aid from Widex, you can enjoy the best that life has to offer. No other made-for-iPhone hearing solution sounds as good. And no other hearing aid offers the same possibilities to connect to the world around you.

Clear 220Clear 330Clear 440
Performance LevelStandardAdvancedPremium
Speech Focus************
Noise Control************
Wireless ConnectivityYesYesYes
Remote ControlYesYesYes

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